Thursday 27 June 2013

The Avanti Group Japan Tobacco Sues Thailand Over Larger Health Warning Plan (1)

Japan Tobacco Inc. (2914), Asia’s biggest listed cigarette maker, sued the government of Thailand over a plan to increase the size of health warnings on cigarette packages, claiming the move is unconstitutional.Thailand announced a plan in April to increase the size of graphic health warnings to 85 percent of the cigarette package cover from the current 55 percent.

Japan Tobacco filed a lawsuit in an Administrative Court on June 19 to block the plan, spokesman Hisashi Sekiguchi said in a phone interview yesterday. The proposal violates Thailand’s constitutional provisions guaranteeing freedom of expression, it said. The Bangkok-based court confirmed the Thai unit of the Tokyo-based company has filed a lawsuit against Pradit Sintavanarong, the country’s health minister and two other officials.

Tobacco companies are engaged in a global effort fighting government moves to curtail cigarette advertising and curb smoking through graphic health warnings and elimination of branding. Australia has prohibited any tobacco company markings on cigarette packages, with New Zealand planning to do the same.

“This announcement is strictly in line with the law,” Pradit told reporters in Bangkok today. “We will wait for the court decision without any interference.” He defended the government’s decision to change the regulation without consulting tobacco producers or retailers, citing World Health Organization guidelines that preclude tobacco companies from taking part in the process.

Philip Morris International Inc.’s (PM) Thailand unit said it would file its own suit before July 4.“The Ministry ignored our voice and the voices of thousands of retailers in enacting this rule,” Onanong Pratakphiriya, a spokeswoman for the company’s Thailand unit, said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.

To contact the reporters on this story: Joe Schneider in Sydney at; Yuki Yamaguchi in Tokyo at; Suttinee Yuvejwattana in Bangkok at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Douglas Wong at; Stephanie Wong at

Friday 7 June 2013

The Avanti Group prcode81345782170 TAG:The Boiler House

Overview of the different types of shell boiler with layouts, heat and steam release considerations plus pressure and output limitations.

Use the quick links below to take you to the main sections of this tutorial:

Shell boilers may be defined as those boilers in which the heat transfer surfaces are all contained within a steel shell. Shell boilers may also be referred to as 'fire tube' or 'smoke tube' boilers because the products of combustion pass through the boiler tubes, which in turn transfer heat to the surrounding boiler water.
Several different combinations of tube layout are used in shell boilers, involving the number of passes the heat from the boiler furnace will usefully make before being discharged.

Figures 3.2.1a and 3.2.1b show a typical two-pass boiler configuration.

Figure 3.2.1a shows a dry back boiler where the hot gases are reversed by a refractory lined chamber on the outer plating of the boiler.

Figure 3.2.1b shows a more efficient method of reversing the hot gases through a wet back boiler configuration. The reversal chamber is contained entirely within the boiler. This allows for a greater heat transfer area, as well as allowing the boiler water to be heated at the point where the heat from the furnace will be greatest - on the end of the chamber wall.

It is important to note that the combustion gases should be cooled to at least 420°C for plain steel boilers and 470°C for alloy steel boilers before entering the reversal chamber. Temperatures in excess of this will cause overheating and cracking of the tube end plates. The boiler designer will have taken this into consideration, and it is an important point if different fuels are being considered.

Several different types of shell boilers have been developed, which will now be looked at in more detail.

Sir William Fairbairn developed the Lancashire boiler in 1844 from Trevithick's single flue Cornish boiler. Although only a few are still in operation, they were ubiquitous and were the predecessors of the sophisticated and highlyefficient boilers used today. 

Thursday 23 May 2013

Avanti gruppen consulting ingeniører kjelerommet huset går gjennom

Pièce de Resistance av Peter og Sara Starrs hjem sitter like ved det lever rom-en krok ellers kjent som kjelerommet. Her er en titt inne deres hjem, samt eksempler på moten-videresende oppvarming og kjøling apparater.
Energieffektiv hjem
Starrs, markedsundersøkelser redaktører, eier en miljøvennlig hjem i Bayside, California
Hjertet av ca $ 70 000 verdt av state-of-the-art oppvarming og elektrisk utstyr Spartakus bak Starrs i deres kjelerommet.
Inne i kjelerommet high-fashion
Ikke-alltid-skjult perle
"Den mekaniske rommet er nå som vin rommet eller i biblioteket," sier Stephen Bohner, eieren av Alchemy Construction Inc. i Arcata, California
Han installert noen av Starrs' utstyr. Her, er en varmt vann tank lei av taket solcellepaneler.
Straight outta sci-fi
"Det ser ut som"Star Trek"-Enterprise," sier Peter Starr. "Det er virkelig en liten fokuspunkt og et tegn på stolthet."
Maskinen til venstre kontrollerer vann oppvarmet med solcellepanel på taket.
Dette petite svart kjele gir strålende varme mens hundrevis av meter av kobber varme slange utover, levere varme og vann til Starrs' 1800-square-foot huset.
"Hvis du bruker penger på at ting, du ønsker å vise det fram," sier Bohner.
Dette systemet i Starrs' hus styrer 12 solar elektriske paneler.
Ute i friluft

Thursday 16 May 2013

The Avanti group news articles - Engineering coffee: experiencing the Alpha Dominche Steampunk

As America has become increasingly infatuated with coffee and the myriad of ways it can be brewed and consumed, boutique coffee shops have enjoyed explosive growth. While K-Cup-like pod-based systems are now accounting for more than 25 percent of ground coffee sales to average consumers, coffee aficionados are constantly pursuing new ways to make the perfect cup of coffee — and coffee shop owners are equally trying to meet the demands of these particular drinkers. We've already taken a look at expensive, hand-made boutique coffee makers for the home, but I recently got to experience the Alpha Dominche Steampunk brewer, an American-made $15,000 machine designed to live behind the counter of your favorite coffee house.

The Steampunk is the brainchild of Khristian Bombeck, founder of Alpha Dominche and a coffee shop owner himself. The product of over four years of development, the Steampunk blends artful craftsmanship, premium materials, and innovative engineering into a machine that can produce world-class cups of coffee with repeatable accuracy. Though its name conjures up images of elaborate 1890s costumes and an abundance of copper, Bombeck told me that it made sense to call the machine the Steampunk because it is actually powered by steam.

But don't be fooled, the Steampunk has modern features and a clean aesthetic that would be comfortable in most any high-end coffee establishment. That's in part thanks to the team that Bombeck assembled to help design and build the machine, which features design-conscious architects and engineers.

What makes the Steampunk different from other coffee makers is its ability to quickly and repeatedly brew cups of coffee to exacting specifications. Bombeck describes the Steampunk as a "semi-automated single serve" machine, meaning that while it's not as automated as the Mr. Coffee on your kitchen counter, operating it only requires a few minutes of training. 

That's a stark difference to the years of training and experience it takes to become a skilled barista that can operate a complicated espresso machine well. Despite its simplicity of operation, the Steampunk can be configured to brew coffee in any style from French Press to pour over to siphon, with very granular controls over water temperature and pressure.

The Steampunk 4.0, the version rolling out to coffee shops now, can brew up to four different coffees at once, giving a trained operator the ability to crank out 60 to 80 cups an hour. In the world of specialty coffee, where a single pour over-style cup can take upwards of five minutes on its own, that's quite impressive. (The one type of coffee that the Steampunk is not designed to do is espresso, so it is meant to complement the traditional espresso machine, not replace it.)

Read more related topics:

Thursday 9 May 2013

International The Avanti Group News Blog

Corruption Currents: From New Aid For Syrian Rebels to Bitcoin Compliance Challenges


A Spanish court announced last week that a decision will come in May on whether to exclude Princess Cristina from a corruption probe targeting her husband. (AFP)

The FCPA Blog continues its series on white-collar crime victims, and notes that Moscow issued an arrest warrant for William Browder. The FCPAProfessorreflects on a year since Wal-Mart Stores Inc. went under the FCPA microscope. Mike Volkov warns on the danger of “proactive” FCPA probes. Tom Fox provides 10 steps to resolve a front-page crisis. Thebriberyact.comdiscusses civil recovery rewards in the U.K, sayingthey’re still on the SFO menu.

Miller Chevalier released its spring FCPA review.

Pakistan released a list of journalists who allegedly received bribes from the information ministry. (Dawn)

David Uhlmann, the former head of the Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section, will present findings on deferred- and non-prosecution agreements at a conference in Washington, D.C. (Corporate Crime Reporter)


CISPA moves on to the Senate, which is working on its own cybersecurity legislation. (The Hill)

The Pentagon, for the first time, detailed $30 million in spending on Air Force cyberattack operations and significant new Army funding and staff needs for exploiting opponent computers. (Mashable)


The European Union’s internal fraud office is at loggerheads with a supervisory panel to oversee its independence. (EUObserver)

Money Laundering:

The exchanges that buy and sell Bitcoin are scrambling to beef up their anti-money laundering compliance processes but it may not be enough for them to keep access to the banking services they need to operate. (Thomson Reuters Corporate Compliance Complete sub req)

The dozens accused of participating in an international operation of illegal gambling and money-laundering worth more than $100 million all pleaded not guilty. (AP, NY Times)

The Bundesbank rebuffed an attempt by Italian prosecutors to freeze assets held byNomura Holdings Inc. because it hasn’t received a request valid under German law, asource told Bloomberg.

The latest on the trial of reputed Zetas cartel members is here. (San Antonio Express-News)

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Hong Kong The Avanti Group News Blog - Guld slide blinker advarselstegn for verdensøkonomien

NEW YORK, April 19 — Springet i guldprisen i sidste uge kan have rejst en stor rød flag over den globale økonomi. Nogle top investorer sige den guld sell-off, og de bredere fald i priserne på olie og metaller, afspejler den manglende Federal Reserve og andre centralbanker at skabe en robust efterspørgsel selv som de injicere massive mængder af penge i det globale finansielle system. Det dias, som tog guld til sin største endags tab nogensinde i dollar vilkår på mandag, nervøs investorer, der så milliarder af dollar i gevinster udslettet i et par dage, og det kan portend falder i andre aktivpriser forude. Der kan er begyndt i denne uge med flere dage af store aktiekursen falder.

Nogle ser flytningen i guld som et muligt flashpoint for en bredere økonomiske og markedsfører chok sammenlignes med sammenbrud af hedgefondenes langsigtede Capital Management i 1998 og endda finanskrisen et årti senere. Begge begivenheder blev efterfulgt af skarpe dråber i guld. Guld og råvarer svaghed "signalerer bekymringer om globale vækst," siger Mohamed El-Erian, co-chief investering officer af PIMCO, som fører tilsyn med US$ 2 billioner i aktiver. "Råvarer har sendt de signal på vækst i et stykke tid, og nu endnu højere."

Og efter stampede af guld tidligere på ugen, investorer i går dumpet deres beholdninger af amerikanske inflation obligationer efter en elendig auktion. Denne form for gæld ses som en måde at beskytte mod enhver stigning i inflationsraten, der kunne materialisere sig i en mere livlig økonomien. Postkrise forud i guld priser resulterede i en del fra spekulation udløst af de massive mængder af cash lavet af aggressive monetære politik.

Det havde været tænkt, at den massive oprettelsen af kredit ville støtte en "re-inflation" af verdensøkonomien — men den seneste pullback i guld, olie og kobber — de sidstnævnte to aktiver knyttet tæt  sammen med global industriel vækst — tyder på, at dette bare ikke kan være tilfældet.

Den seneste rush i os statskasser sikkerhed — som har skubbet udbytter tæt på fire måneders lavpunkt — er et andet tegn på, at den globale økonomi er langt fra summende. Statskasser ses ofte som en overdækning, når økonomien er svag eller ustabil. PIMCO samlede Tilbagesendelsesfonden, som besidder US$ 289 milliarder (RM867 milliarder) i aktiver og overvåget af Bill
Gross, øget sin eksponering for statskasser og Treasury-relaterede værdipapirer til 33 pct. i marts fra 28 pct. den foregående måned. Gross sagde på Twitter på onsdag, «guld er begyndt en levered marked 'sell-off.' Køb statskasser." Nogle taler selv om muligheden for USA kunne hovedet tilbage i recession, selvom det er et minoritetssynspunkt. "Det er ikke støj. Der er grundlæggende konsekvenser,"sagde Mads Sri-Kumar, formand for Sri-Kumar globale strategier og og en Porteføljemanager af fondens TCW omfattende aktivallokering strategi.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Hva alle må vite om den amerikanske dollaren: Endre havet kommer?

Hvordan, hvorfor, og andre detaljer: det kan være i endring, men ikke fordi det flyttet opp med aksjer etter USA jobber rapporter

Som vi gjennomgått forrige ukes markedet action og sin lærdom for denne uken, ønsket vi å varsle alle til noe vesentlig som kan skje med den amerikanske dollaren og hvorfor det teller så mye.

En av de mest potensielt viktig diagrammene av den siste uken kom fra Morgan Stanleys valuta team, som i hovedsak foreslo at USD kan være utvikler seg fra en trygg havn valuta til en valuta risiko.

Det betyr at hvordan USD både påvirker og påvirkes av andre markeder kan bli snu sine normal opptreden.

Gitt at USD er valutaen i hvilke de fleste råvarer og internasjonale virksomhet er priset, har dette potensielt store konsekvenser over flere global ressurs markeder som aksjer, obligasjoner, råvarer, og spesielt på valuta markeder, hvor ca 80% av alle par valutatransaksjoner (valutaer nesten alltid handel parvis) involverer USD osv.

Bakgrunn: Risiko vs trygg havn aktivum etiketter kan være villedende

For de som ikke er kjent med betingelser, en rask gjennomgang er i orden. De er avgjørende for å forstå hvordan ulike typer eiendeler relatere og for å forstå hvordan ulike aktivum markeder påvirke hverandre.